Checked to show that the event is measured in days from the end of the month. Uncheck it if the event is on this calendar date or day of the week instead.
Dimmed because the recurring interval is not an even number of months.
Check this box if the event is to be on the last day of the month.
Reminder Alerts are on for this event.
Uncheck this box if you want no alerts for the event.
Reminder Alerts are off for this event.
No alert will appear for this event, and so the settings are dimmed. Check this box to receive an alert for the event.
Use it to see parts of the list that are currently out of sight.
To scroll a little at a time, press one of the scroll arrows. To scroll by the windowful, click in the gray bar. To scroll to another part of the window, drag the scroll box.
Archive button
Dim because nothing is selected in the list.
Archive button
Click here to remove the selected reminder or event. It will be written to your Archive file inside the Early Bird folder, inside the Preferences folder, inside the System Folder. You can use Import to retrieve it.
Reminder message
The message you want to appear when the event falls due.
Grow box
Press here and drag to change the size of the window.
If the page box is checked, the name of the person or group to be paged will appear here.
Page box
Checked because this event will page someone when it falls due.
Page box
Check this box if you want your Macintosh to page someone for you when the event or task falls due. This requires you have the Notify! server on your network.
Goodies pop-up menu
Press here to set your preferences, or to access other Early Bird features.
If the macro box is checked, this shows the macro key that the reminder will 'type' when it falls due.
Macro box
Checked because this event will trigger a macro key when it falls due.
Macro box
Check this box if you want your Macintosh to 'type' a key for you when the event or task falls due.
This requires you have a macro utility, like QuicKeys‚Ñ¢, Tempo, or MacroMaker.
Sound pop-up menu
This sound will play when the alert appears. Press here to select from a menu of different sounds that are installed in your system.
Recurring interval
The event or task is repeated with this frequency.
For example, use 1 year for a birthday. Use zero if the event will happen only once.
Checked to show that the event is always on the same day of the week. Uncheck this box if the event or task is always on the same calendar date in a month.
Dimmed because the recurring interval is not an even number of months.
Check this box if the event is always on the same day of the week, counting from the end of the month.
Checked to show that the event is always on the same weekday. Uncheck this box if the event or task is always on the same calendar date in a month.
Dimmed because the recurring interval is not an even number of months.
Check this box if the event is always on the same day of the week, counting from the start of the month.
Time unit pop-up menu
Press here to change the unit. Or, if the number of units is highlighted, you can use the up- or down- arrow key to change the unit.
Number of units
Click in (or tab to) this field to highlight it, and type a new value.
Alert Settings
If the alert box is checked, you will be alerted this much in advance of the due time. Use zero to be alerted exactly when the event is due.
If the alert box is unchecked and all these items are dim, no alert will appear
Time unit pop-up menu
Press here to change the unit. Or, if the number of units is highlighted, you can use the up- or down- arrow key to change the unit.
Number of units
Click in (or tab to) this field to highlight it, and type a new value.
Shows the date and time the event will fall due.
Click in (or tab to) any field to highlight that field, and use arrow icons or arrow keys to change its value.
Reminder List
A list of all your reminders and events, in order of due time.
Those marked '!' are overdue. Those marked '•' are those for which you have already received an advanced warning.
You can click on a reminder and edit or delete it.
Done button
Click here to close the dialog.
Remove button
Dim because nothing is selected in the list.
Remove button
Click here to erase the selected reminder or event.
New button
Click here to make a new reminder, with default settings.
Store button
Dim because you have made no changes to this reminder or event.
Store button
Click here to save the changes you have made to this reminder or event.
This dialog lets you create or edit a task or event.